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Hi! Welcome To Celeste Teal Creations!

Thanks so much for stopping by! We specialize in small town tees with a stylish, vintage flair. NOTE: We are constantly designing new t-shirts and adding more merchandise...You won't want to miss any of it. SO BE SURE TO VISIT OFTEN!!!

Somewhat frustrated with the lack of attractive, wearable t-shirts with our local community names on them, our resident designer (that would be me), mulled over the idea of starting a new endeavor. And so we did just that in the late summer of 2015. And although, we are a tiny fledgling company, we have "big time" dreams and ideas. So one by one, starting with our local towns first, we embarked on a journey to bring our “TownTees” to as many places as possible. We have expanded and now offer "CounTees", "Localitees", “StateTees” along with several other lines.

We currently offer several great town t-shirts for the state of North Carolina, along with a few, fun, sassy tees and are constantly thinking of new ones to add to our collection. Additionally, we offer a few Duke and other collegiate items.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page to see our latest merchandise and to check our show dates:

Want us to design one for your town? Belong to a group or organization? We'll even design one for your business, town or group, too. They make GREAT fundraisers. Contact us @ for all the details.

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